Compost contains the basic essential nutrients that plants require for healthy growth.
In addition to nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, key micro nutrients such as manganese, copper, iron, and zinc provide an important ecological balance for the soil in your garden.

One Size Fits All
Healthy soil is arguably the most important component in a successful garden, and compost can provide essential nutrients as an organic fertilizer.
Whether it’s a full-sized plot or a smaller raised-bed herb or vegetable garden, the food it produces will be fresher and more abundant when the proper growing conditions can be provided.
A healthy soil can make for more nutritional vegetables.

Organic Fertilizer
Unlike inorganic (synthetic) fertilizers, an animal-based compost will release its nutrients over a longer sustained period of time.
If you’ve had your soil tested, you can determine what additional nutrients it may be lacking.
A faster acting inorganic fertilizer or a product such as bone meal for phosphorous and wood ash for potassium may also fill this requirement.

Know Your Soil
Adding compost as a soil amendment(humus) helps to provide the right growing conditions, to ensure achieving better and healthier results.
It can take many years to build up a humus-rich soil.
Compost can achieve this and consistently yield benefits in a matter of a few short weeks.
Earth-friendly gardeners are wise to use compost instead of commercial fertilizers